Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fun With Pictures!

I have some exciting news today! I've developed a new app! If you enjoy taking pictures this is the perfect app for you. You will be able to upload photos onto this app to do a few different things. First off there are different categories that you can submit your photos to, such as nature or animals. And there will be weekly contests to vote on the best picture in that category! Second, there is a feature with this app that will enable you to edit the photos in anyway you want. You can change the color, add a caption, anything you can think of. I suppose I should probably tell you the name of the app, right? It's Picture Time! For a limited time you can get this app for free so you won't want to miss out on this great deal!

Well, I can't believe this is my last blog post already. It's been an interesting semester to say the least. I've been introduced to so many new platforms that I never used before this class. Keeping up with everything can be a bit challenging at times but I feel like I got into a pretty good rhythm over the last month. This blog was the first thing that I did in this class and I had a lot of fun with designing it. I just wish I had a little more time to find a better background. Twitter and Pinterest were completely new to me as well but they are really simple to use, and very effective. Facebook was a lot of fun to work with as well. But out of all the different things I've done in this class my favorite was making the commercial.

Done already?
For a real photography business I think the platforms that would work the best would be Facebook and Twitter. Having a blog would also be good, but I believe it would be better if it had less words and more pictures. Examples of the work would go a lot farther to show people what you can do, opposed to having a blog that is more words than pictures. Twitter would be good because you post short updates about what you are doing and direct people towards your blog or Facebook page. And Facebook works great because a lot of people are on there. It's a great way to get to your target audience. The platform that I think is least effective for a photography business is podcasts. It's hard to describe in words why someone should choose you for their event.

Even though there were a lot of difficult projects in this class I really enjoy the challenge of getting everything just right!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Springtime Picture Contest

Wow, is it April already? I can't believe how fast the year is going by, it's already Spring! This is one of my favorite times of year. The snow is almost all gone and the flowers are about to bloom, it's the perfect time to take some photos. I'm so excited that I've decided to hold a contest this month! What kind of contest you ask? Well this is the fun part. You've already seen my photos now I want to see yours!

Did you hear? It's Spring!
To enter this contest you will need to submit a photo that you think best represents Spring. Your pictures can include people, animals or just a flower. Anything that inspires you! To submit your entry you can post the picture on to my Facebook page. You can submit your entry between April 4th and April 24th. The winner will be decided by a small group of business owners in the Chippewa area. The winner will then be announced on Sunday May 1st on Facebook.

I suppose you want to know what the prize is right? The winner will recieve a $500 gift card to the business of their choice! To sum it up here is everything you need to know:
Who can enter: Age 18+
Date contest is running: April 4th- April 24th
Entry Method: Submit picture online at https://www.facebook.com/khphotog1/
When is the winner announced: Sunday May 1st
Prize: $500 gift card!
There you have it. Simple, right? The most important rule is to have fun with it. I can't wait to see all of your pictures!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

That Perfect Picture

Dont' Forget...
This may come as a surprise but growing up I hated having my picture taken. Or maybe its not a suprise at all, after all everyone at some point hates how they look in pictures. There are so many pictures of me that make me cringe every time I see them. I can never quite place my finger on why I dislike them though. I'm sure you've had these moments as well. That's why I've put together a list of ways you can get that perfect picture!

1. Don't look directly at the camera, instead angle your face to the side.
2. Have the photo shot from slightly above, this is more flattering than a picture taken from below.
3. Don't stand directly under a light.
4. Use props. Try holding onto something, such as a flower or a decoration of some sort, that will help you relax.

These are just a few ways to take better pictures. But I've always felt that my favorite pictures are the ones that I don't pose for. I seem to be more comfortable getting my picture taken when I don't have to stand there and stare at the camera. The best tip I can give everyone is to just keep trying. It's hard to get comfortable with having your picture taken by someone, but if you keep trying it will get easier and you will be able to smile more naturally!

Check out my latest commercial below!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Precious Moments That Last a Lifetime

All the memories!
What kind of pictues do you treasure the most? I'm sure there are a lot. And there are probably many times that you have found yourself wishing that you had gotten a picture of a certain moment so that you could look back at it whenever you wanted. I know there have been many moments in my life where I've found myself wishing I had my camera with me.

While I can't help with every moment I can help with some. Right now is the perfect time to hire me for your wedding or event. "Why" you ask? Because until the end of March I am taking 40% off my normal fee! You won't want to miss out on this deal. Hope to hear from you soon!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

What are you excited for?

Fun Family Events!
Can you believe it's March already? It feels like the year just started but we are already in the third month. And even though it's still a few months away I'm already making plans for the summer! Part of the reason I'm so excited is because I am really tired of all the snow and the below freezing temperatures, but who isn't at this point? The main reason though is all of the beautiful pictures I can take during those months. Everything from weddings to fourth of July events, I'm excited to photograph it all!

I have so many wonderful memories of summers when I was a kid. My only regret is that we didn't take more pictures. Unfortunately all of those great memories fade with time, escpecially without a memento to remind you of fun days. Now to the fun part of this blog! Leave a comment on this post and tell me about one of your favorite memories growing up. Everyone who leaves me a comment will be entered into a drawing for some fun prizes!

And check out my first ever podcast at: https://soundcloud.com/kh-photog1

Sunday, February 28, 2016

So Many Pictures, So Many Reasons

As you all know by now my specialty is taking candid photographs of events or weddings. But now I'm going to talk about a couple other areas of photography that I also like to dabble in. The first is nature. I have always been fascinated by how beautiful nature can be. There's nothing quite like taking that perfect photograph of a sunset or the beauty of the ocean. It's moments like that where I really appreciate how miraculous the world is!

The Beauty of Nature and Animals
The second thing that I love to take pictures of is animals. Whether it's big animals or little animals I just love capturing all the cute or unexpected moments on camera! It's so much fun taking pictures of animals because they never stay still long enough to take the picture you were orignally going for. Instead you have to go in a completely different direction, and I just love a challenge. As you can tell I'm all about the moments. Whether its the beauty of nature, the cute antics of a pet or the joy of a happy day I aim to capture every amazing second.

Support a Great Organization!
Taking phtographs brings me so much happiness and I hope that the bring joy and comfort to whoever looks at them. So for the whole month of March I will be sharing my happiness with an organization that brings help and joy to others every day. If you hire me to phtotograph your event in March I will donate 20 cents of every dollar I make to the Red Cross. I will also be selling some of my nature and animal photography as well. Whether or not you have an event to photograph take this month to look into what the Red Cross is all about!